“I think he’s so brave and smart with his choices. He can play a crazy character but still give it a core humanity which I think people can identify with,” Wasikowska said. (Depp, who prepares for his roles by drawing his characters, particularly wanted the crazy orange hair, an allusion to the mercury poisoning -- many hatters, it turns out, used mercury to cure felt. As Depp told the Los Angeles Times last summer: “I think he was poisoned, very, very poisoned, and it was coming out through his hair, through his fingernails and eyes.)"
I'm sure they will be. It's audacious, what we've done. I don't know know where I got off. What was I thinking? [Laughs] I'm not joking, I was thinking when I was writing this, "Who do you think you are?" Seriously! At one point, I was in London, it was over Christmas, and I was writing, and I had been out walking in Hyde Park, and I ran up against a statue of Lewis Carroll. And I thought, "Linda, really, what have you got yourself into?" I can only say at this point that I wasn't trying to re-create his work. If anything, I hope that the movie inspires children who haven't read the books to go back and read the books.
“The studio had the Alice script a long time ago and I was approached back then for the part of Alice. I considered it, but felt, what with The Princess Diaries, that I had been there, done that sort of pretty-girl-in-a-fairy-dress role. I told the studio, however, that if they found a director eventually, that I would be interested at a later date in playing the White Queen.
“When Tim came on board he had the cast he wanted and, of course, that didn’t include me. But the other actress who was marked had scheduling conflicts, so the studio piped up and put me forward. I talked on the phone with Tim and he really liked my take. I wanted the Queen to be a cross between Debbie Harry, Greta Garbo, David Bowie, with (a) little bit of the work of Dan Flavin thrown in for good measure.”